Храм Светог Александра Невског

On 29 March, as previously announced, our NevskyTalks Fellowship had the pleasure to be part of the lecture on Lord’s prayer. Our lecturer for this occasion was Reverend Deacon Djordje Petrovic, PhD, professor of dogmatic theology at Belgrade High school of theology „Saint Sava“ and member of the Nevsky Church brotherhood. Moderator of the event was Reverend Presbyter Oliver Subotic, PhD.
Dean of the Nevsky Church, Reverend Presbyter Stevo Vukic was also present, as well as Reverend Presbyter Alexander Sekulic, who serves as military priest in the Serbian Armed Forces.

The lecture was very inspiring, with many interesting moments. Professor Petrovic gave an exegesis based on the Holy Tradition, verse by verse, and added many observations from contemporary theologians.

After an introductory lecture, we continued with the dialogue. Many topics were covered through questions and comments. Fr. Oliver emphasized the importance of the term „epiousios“ in the Lord’s prayer, while Fr. Alexander connected the very sense of that prayer with our everyday life. Some of the present listeners wanted to hear some practical answers regarding prayer. Professor Petrovic answered all questions regarding the Lord’s prayer and our life in Christ.

Most of our attendees were from Australia. We also had participants from USA, Canada, Russia, Greece and Burundi.

The next lecture is scheduled for the period after Easter. The topic will be „Resurrection as historical event and resurrection in our lives „. The lecturer will be Reverend Presbyter Alexander Sekulic.

Further details including a date will be announced in the coming weeks.

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Уредништво интернет места храма Светог Александра Невског

  • Главни и одговорни уредник Мариjo Чака
  • Технички уредник Марко Бакић
  • Техничка подршка Небојиша Мишевић
  • Допунски текстови Јелена Тонић

Распоред богослужења

При нашем храму свакодневно се врше следећа богослужења:

  • Јутрење 08:00
  • Вечерње 18:00
  • Бденије уочи црквених празника 18:00
  • Литургија суботом 08:00
  • Литургија недељом и црквеним празницима 09:00

Верници се могу исповедити по завршетку јутарњег или вечерњег богослужења у договору са свештеником.

Парохијани који услед болести не могу присуствовати Литургији могу се причестити код своје куће у договору са надлежним парохијским свештеником.

Храм је отворен сваког дана од 7 до 19 часова.

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